Senin, 28 November 2016

It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?

 If  i'm last meal on earth I'm choose Chili
        If I were given the chance to live on earth again. I would choose, which improve from the previous especially straighten my intention in learning, avoid lying behavior towards others, hypocritical fact to others, slander others, justify my finer. And I will continue to always strive to be someone who is helpful and useful for the tribe, race, ethnicity, religion, national or even state.

       Because there are no words that can not be in this world, while our brains say that we can do it, then we will be able, and later we will reap what we fought earlier.
Life is very, happy and sad it always comes aproached .Prosess which we live will never betray the results we get.


         And I prefer to remain silent, the means do not talk about it or menggunjingka others, because that would be insulting creation GOD . We that we should be grateful for just us or the human being is given reasonable so used to think of anything good or positive thinking.
And the food I tasted last wish is chili, why not ??? and chili my last meal on earth

       Because of the past until now I do not really like the name chilli, most dishes are cooked by my mother also usually is sambal chili eggs using very much. That's why I really wanted to taste the chili.

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