Selasa, 27 September 2016

Selfie And Why???

Why I Like Selfie And Why Revision!!!
    I like to take a picture because i often feel gundah and uneasy to overcome this often once i take a picture alone and together my friend outside on a bench as well as lectures especially at the university of cape pura.selain the majority selfie me this alhamdulillah berhijab and to my mind not invite lust someone hopefully just like that what i hope for the time to ini.karena most selfie now in many are everywhere the indulgence of the nakedness of men and women at the same time without take a picture of the interests that are mendalam.tapi i tried to not like that he feared takabur with my own words.
In addition selfie also makes us feel is somewhat better according to the wearer and waste time for who is displeased .There have been many picture i upload to social media especially in facebook account , gmail , and blog who i just for ini.foto i like because wore a polite in addition we also discharged attended an event islamic namely , ldsi at-tarbawi khusu to religion islamic kami.tidak allegedly this photo many like and koment but we think the photo maish is dikategorkan worth a upload in the account sosial.tetapi i sebanarnya somewhat cangung photography with them let alone myself but with support teman-temans i before until now i am grateful become more confident .

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